Consider a PDO Thread Lift for a More Youthful Appearance

Pdo Thread Celebration, FL

A pdo thread lift offers an alternative to a traditional surgical facelift that can help you look years younger. This relatively new procedure uses dissolvable sutures to tighten and lift the skin and help replace some of the collagen lost with age. A PDO thread lift does all of this with little to no downtime. Here is an overview of this exciting procedure, its benefits, and why you should consider it.

PDO thread lift explained

PDO stands for polydioxanone and describes a type of thread lift that employs biodegradable polyester sutures instead of surgery to lift and tighten aging skin. The practitioner places the PDO threads under the skin using a special needle where they gently pull the skin and stimulate collagen production to help produce a more youthful appearance. The procedure is often called a “lunchtime facelift” because it produces remarkable but subtle results during a quick procedure requiring minimal downtime.

Benefits of the procedure

A PDO thread lift is less expensive than a surgical facelift, typically takes less than an hour, and only requires a local anesthetic. Complications are rare, and side effects are minimal. Most people find they can return to their regular activities immediately afterward.

The procedure is associated with minimal discomfort that patients can easily manage with over-the-counter pain medications. Though the procedure results are not permanent, they can last from one to three years as the body absorbs the threads slowly over time. Those satisfied with the results can repeat the procedure.

A PDO thread lift is customizable and can treat most parts of the face and neck, including the cheeks, jaw, and eyes. The procedure is often combined with other antiaging procedures, such as dermal fillers, for maximum antiaging effects.

Who is a good candidate?

Almost anyone who wants a more youthful facial appearance without surgery can benefit from a PDO thread lift. According to the Cleveland Clinic, this procedure is generally best for people who:

  • Are in their late 30s to early 50s
  • Are experiencing premature aging
  • Do not expect dramatic results
  • Want to avoid surgery
  • Seeking to refresh the results of a previous surgical facelift

Though the procedure is minimally invasive and low risk, patients should be generally healthy nonsmokers who take good care of their skin.

Getting ready for the procedure

Patients will be awake during the procedure and will not need much prep time. The local anesthesia will keep the patient comfortable during the procedure. The procedure typically takes 45 minutes to an hour, depending on the number of threads and the areas of the face and neck treated.

Practitioners advise patients to avoid alcohol and tobacco use for at least five days before their PDO thread lift. Patients should also avoid other products that may increase the risk of bruising or bleeding, such as Advil, ibuprofen, aspirin, omega-3 fatty acids, and green tea.


Patients should expect some bruising and swelling around the treatment areas. However, this should subside quickly, especially with proper aftercare. The provider will give the patient instructions on how to care for their skin after the procedure. The instructions will be customized to each patient but will likely include the following:

  • Do not wash the face for 24 hours
  • Use a cold compress or ice pack
  • Avoid face moisturizer for a few weeks
  • Sleep in a propped-up position
  • Avoid strenuous exercise and visiting saunas

Patients should also avoid pursing their lips together, smoking, or drinking through a straw. Most patients can return to full activity in one to two weeks. Some may take an antibiotic to help guard against infection.

Risks and side effects

Though the PDO thread lift has a low occurrence of side effects, they can happen. The good news is that in the rare case they do happen, the practitioner is prepared to deal with them. The risk is small, but complications may include allergic reactions, bleeding, infection, and lumpiness in the skin. Patients should contact their provider right away if they experience fever, headaches, or swelling lasting longer than two days.

Look younger without surgery

Enhancing certain facial features to achieve a younger appearance does not have to involve invasive surgery. Our team at Florida Cosmetic Center offers PDO thread lifts to patients seeking nonsurgical treatment to enhance the way they look. Call our team today to learn more about the PDO thread lift and find out if the procedure is right for you.

Request an appointment here: or call Florida Cosmetic Center at (321) 415-9826 for an appointment in our Celebration office.

Check out what others are saying about our services on Yelp: PDO Thread in Celebration, FL.

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