Reasons for Vaginal Rejuvenation

Vaginal Rejuvenation Celebration, FL

Vaginal internal muscles and surrounding skin and tissue can begin to loosen and slack as a result of natural aging and childbirth. Unfortunately, this can lead many people to become insecure about their appearance, which can result in less-desirable sexual experiences for themselves and their partner(s). It can also contribute to conditions such as urinary incontinence. The good news is that there is an effective way to address this concern through vaginal rejuvenation.

What is vaginal rejuvenation?

Vaginal rejuvenation, also called a vaginoplasty, is a cosmetic procedure and a form of plastic surgery that tightens up the vaginal internal muscles and the external skin and tissue around it. Vaginal rejuvenation brings the internal muscles closer together and tightens them. Extra skin (both internally and externally) is also removed during the vaginoplasty procedure to change its appearance. Non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation procedures may be available too.

What are the reasons to consider vaginal rejuvenation?

The benefits of vaginal rejuvenation can include a restored tightness of the vagina, an improved sexual experience for the patient and their partner(s), a different appearance of the vagina and surrounding area, and a reduced risk of urinary incontinence and bacterial infections. The procedure is usually performed in the office, although sedation may be required.

Restores the tightness of your vaginal area

The primary (and simplest) reason that many people choose vaginal rejuvenation is to restore the tightness of their vagina. This includes the internal muscles and the vaginal skin. The vagina may lossen as a result of natural aging or childbirth. Many people report simply feeling better about themselves and feeling younger as a result of vaginal rejuvenation.

Can help improve your sexual experiences

Sexual intimacy can be an important part of a marriage or relationship for many people. As the vagina loosens and becomes less lubricated due to aging and/or childbirth, sexual experiences may become less comfortable. Maintaining vaginal tightness and appearance may be able to help people (and their partners) enjoy sex more and feel youthful despite growing older. Many women can restore their sexual arousal and enjoyment through vaginal rejuvenation.

Enhances your partner’s sexual experience

Not only can vaginal rejuvenation improve the patient’s experience during sex, but it can also improve their partner’s experience. Many patients report increased lubrication during sex after vaginal rejuvenation, in addition to increased vaginal tightness. For many people, this is a method to restore their love life and subsequently, their relationship overall.

Improves appearance of the vaginal area

Many people become insecure about the appearance of their vaginal area after giving birth or as they age, causing them to feel old and less attractive. The good news is that vaginal rejuvenation can help patients restore their youthful appearance and their level of confidence. It can also help restore the patient and their partner’s love life, so they can continue enjoying sexual intimacy after giving birth and growing older.

Reduces the risk of chronic bacterial infections

There is also a correlation between those who choose vaginal rejuvenation and a reduction in the risk of chronic bacterial infections, such as yeast infections. Many people who frequently experience bacterial infections decide to get this treatment, especially those who may have seen an increase in the number of infections that they have had after giving birth or as they have grown older.

Can help improve conditions such as urinary incontinence

Urinary incontinence refers to irregular urination (in small amounts) between trips to the bathroom. Vaginal rejuvenation can strengthen the muscles in the vagina and provide the patient with increased control over their bladder, enabling them to overcome their urinary incontinence in many cases.

Is a convenient, in-office treatment solution

Vaginal rejuvenation often takes place in the office in a comfortable and calm environment. This helps reduce the patient's anxiety and stress during the procedure, and they can start the aftercare process immediately after the procedure. The recovery process is also relatively simple for patients, and many are able to make a full recovery within a few weeks.

Learn more about vaginal rejuvenation benefits during a consultation

If you are interested in vaginal rejuvenation for an improved sexual experience and sexual health, then do give us a call today. We greatly enjoy helping our patients improve their sex life and their overall health through the process of vaginal rejuvenation. During your visit, we can discuss all your treatment goals and put together a treatment plan that will work for you.

Get more information here: or call Florida Cosmetic Center at (321) 415-9826

Check out what others are saying about our services on Yelp: Vaginal Rejuvenation in Celebration, FL.

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